Association Championships

Fuel To Go & Play Association Championships Logo

The Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships form part of the Netball WA (NWA) Competition Framework and Pathway and are held annually to provide representative participation for Associations’ players, coaches, officials, managers and administrators. 

The Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships provide the opportunity for player, coach and umpire talent identification, coach mentoring, umpire coaching and testing, and an opportunity for Associations to measure their pathway progressions against other Associations. 

The Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships also offer a wonderful opportunity for players and officials from across the State to come together and enjoy the experience and interaction with like-minded people.


Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships

Saturday 31 May 2025, Sunday 1 June 2025, Monday 2 June 2025
Gold Netball Centre & Matthews Netball Centre

Take your Team on Association Champs Weekend to watch West Coast Fever take on the Queensland Firebirds.

How to book as a group: 
1. Click the button below.
2. Enter your Association’s unique code - See list below
3. Book by 30 April, 2025 to secure seats with the rest of your Association. 

- Once the booking deadline has passed, the West Coast Fever Ticketing team will allocate seats together based on Associations.
- Best efforts will be made to seat Associations together, but note this cannot be guaranteed.
- Tickets will be emailed to the same account used to purchase.  
- After 30 April, tickets can be purchased via the normal Ticketek link (subject to availability) but will not be able to be seated with the rest of the Association and the code is no longer required

Ticket Prices 
Silver: Adult $40 / Junior $27 (plus Ticketek fee)  
Bronze: Adult $30 / Junior $20 (plus Ticketek fee)  

The offer applies to silver and bronze categories, but teams can book other sections via the normal Ticketek link if desired.

Tickets are limited and selling fast, so don’t wait, secure your spot today! Let’s sell out RAC Arena, turn it green, and make it a day of netball to remember!

If you have any questions, please email

Association Ticket Code

Albany ALBANY25
Avon Football League AVON25
Belmont Netball Association BELMONT25
Bridgetown BRIDGETOWN25
Broome BROOME25
Bunbury BUNBURY25
Busselton BUSSELTON25
Carnarvon CARNARVON25
Central Midlands CENTRALMIDLANDS25
Central Midlands Coastal MIDLANDSCOASTAL25
Central Wheatbelt WHEATBELT25
Collie COLLIE25
Corrigin & Districts CORRIGIN25
Dalwallinu DALWALLINU25
Darwin DARWIN25
Denmark DENMARK25
Derby DERBY25
Donnybrook DONNYBROOK25
Eastern Goldfields GOLDFIELDS25
Eastern Hills EASTERNHILLS25
Eaton EATON25
Esperance ESPERANCE25
Exmouth EXMOUTH25
Fremantle FREMANTLE25
Geraldton GERALDTON25
Great Southern Netball Association GREATSOUTHERN25
Harvey HARVEY25
Karratha INTL925
Joondalup JOONDALUP25
Kalamunda & Districts KALAMUNDA25
Kalbarri KALBARRI25
Katanning KATANNING25
Kellerberrin Ladies KELLERBERRIN25
Kojonup KOJONUP25
Kununurra KUNUNURRA25
Leschenault LESCHENAULT25
Mandurah MANDURAH25
Manjimup MANJIMUP25
Margaret River MARGARETRIVER25
Merredin MERREDIN25
Mortlock MORTLOCK25
Narrogin & Districts NARROGIN25
Newman NEWMAN25
Noranda NORANDA25
North Midlands NORTHMIDLANDS25
Northam NORTHAM25
Northampton NORTHAMPTON25
Ongerup ONGERUP25
Paraburdoo PARABURDOO25
Peel Football Netball League PEEL25
Perth PERTH25
Pinjarra PINJARRA25
Port Hedland PORTHEDLAND25
Ravensthorpe RAVENSTHORPE25
Rockingham & Districts ROCKINGHAM25
Serpentine Jarrahdale SERPENTINEJARRAHDALE25
South Midlands SOUTHMIDLANDS25
South West Netball Football League SOUTHWEST25
Southern Districts SOUTHERNDISTRICTS25
Success SUCCESS25
Swan Districts SWANDISTRICTS25
Tom Price TOMPRICE25
Turquoise Coast TURQUOISECOAST25
Wanneroo Districts WANNEROO25
West Coast Mens & Mixed WESTCOAST25
Wickham WICKHAM25
Wongan Hills WONGANHILLS25
Yilgarn YILGARN25

Netball WA through Sports Marketing Australia have sourced special discounted offers for Accommodation for persons attending the Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships. Please click on the relevant hotels to access the Discount and Booking detail information.

There is limited parking at the venue. Please note:

  • Free shuttle buses will run across the weekend to ferry participants and spectators to and from the overflow parking venue to the netball courts.
  • We recommend that you use the overflow parking and not park in the no parking zones/verges around the venue’s local streets.
  • Overflow parking details will be confirmed closer to the date. Details will be updated in this section.
  • The shuttle drop-off and pick-up area at the Wembley Sports Park is situated in the Selby Street Carpark next to the oval. Signage will direct you to the zone.
  • We ask that you respect local residents, and park in the designated car parks and overflow carpark.

Coming soon. 

Coming soon. 

PLEASE NOTE - Buses are not permitted to drive into the venue via any of the access roads. Please refer to the Map. 

Coming soon. 

Coming soon. 

In-line with Netball WA’s major partner Healthway and Netball WA Health Guidelines, this is a drug, smoke, vaping and alcohol-free event. No drugs, smoking, vaping or consumption of alcohol is permitted anywhere in or around the venue.

Netball WA  reserves the right to deny entry to, or ask any persons suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to leave the premises.

Netball WA  reserves the right to deny entry to, and/or ask any spectator/s or participant/s who is found to be aggressive and/or use verbal or physical abuse, against any Netball WA  staff member, workforce, spectator/s or participant/s, to leave the grounds for either part of, or the duration of the Competition.

Please note that participant behaviours during a game will be dealt with under the World Netball "Rules of Netball" 2024 edition and managed by umpires under the appropriate game management protocols.

SportWest developed the True Sport Sideline Behaviour initiative to make sure that everyone feels safe and comfortable playing the sport they love. United to embed the principles of True Sport, SportWest (with the support of State Sporting Associations) will stand together to stamp out poor sideline behaviour in sport.
The message is simple: there is no place for poor sideline behaviour. Let us play! Share the campaign and let’s build the momentum together. Information and resources can be accessed below.

The Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships was first held in the early 1950s and was known as “Country Week”, with only country teams participating. Over the years, the Competition has evolved, including several name changes. In 2019 in line with Netball WA’s partnership with Healthway the Competition made the name change to the Fuel to Go & Play Association Championships.
Three Association venues have been used in recent years; Fremantle, Perth and Wanneroo Districts. With the current size of the competition only Wanneroo Districts and Perth Netball Associations have the required number of hard courts.