
Netball WA is an organisation that operates as the governing body for the administration of Netball in Western Australia.

The organisation is governed by a Constitution and By Laws and each year produces an Annual Report detailing the previous year’s operations. Read below to click through to the Constitution, By Laws and Annual Reports since 2001.

Netball WA (Inc.) hereby advises that a Special General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 6:30pm in person only at:
Perth Netball Association, The Gold Netball Centre, 200 Selby Street, Jolimont.
Attendance and formal apologies from members can be registered via this link. 
Please find the Agenda here. 

As per the previous notice, the Netball WA (Inc.) Special General Meeting will be held in person on Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 6:30pm at the:

Perth Netball Association, Gold Netball Centre, 200 Selby Street, Jolimont:

Attendance and formal apologies from non-voting members can be sent via this link.

Please use the following link to access the agenda for the Special General Meeting:  AGENDA.

Please access the new Rules of Association here. 

Should you require any further information, please email: