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Community Facilities Fund
The Netball WA Community Facilities Fund (CFF) aims to supplement efforts at a strategic level to ensure netball has access to quality facilities to support the future growth of the game. It is the intention of Netball WA that the CFF acts as ‘seed’ funding to attract additional funds to netball facility developments.
The Netball WA Community Facilities Fund is available to all Associations and Clubs affiliated with Netball WA. Funding priority will be given to:
-Projects that are of strategic value to Netball and align with identified Netball WA Strategic Facility plan
objectives; and
-Projects that maximise additional funds attracted to Netball through either Local, State or Federal Government
funding sources.
Grant Projects up to $10,000
Types of Projects:
-Master planning / feasibility studies in association with Local Governments and State Government agencies to
gain support for major projects.
-Capital facility development & improvements including:
-Court and facilities establishment/development;
-Court and facilities improvements that align with the minimum facility guidelines for the relevant level of
competition, including support to host Netball WA/WANL competitions. Refer to Netball WA Strategic Facilities
Plan and National Facility Policy; or
-Funds are limited and the long-term availability of the fund is not guaranteed.
-The aim of the Netball WA CFF is to ensure funds are allocated to those projects that are deemed the highest
priority using the Netball WA Strategic Facilities Plan (SFP) and the Department of Local Government, Sport and
Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) as guides to determine these
-Projects cannot commence prior to receiving grant approval from Netball WA. All projects that have commenced
before this time will be deemed ineligible, i.e. this funding is not retrospective.
-Funds will only be available if used for facilities that meet Australian design standards and meet Local
Government statutory building codes and other requirements as outlined in the Netball WA SFP, DLGSC CSRFF
and all relevant Netball Australia Guidelines and Policies.
-Funds will only be paid upon receipt of a Tax Invoice from the applicant and supporting Tax Receipts indicating
the works have been undertaken.
-Funding requests must not exceed the cash contribution from the applicant.
-Acknowledgement of the contribution by Netball WA needs to be publicly promoted and a representative of Netball WA must be invited to attend any ‘Official Opening’ function.
-Associations/Clubs must be affiliated with Netball WA.
-Associations/Clubs must be incorporated.
-The applicant must provide a report to Netball WA on completion of the Project.
You must discuss your project with Matthew Hansen NWA Venue Manager and Strategic Facilities Plan Coordinator and provide copies of your submission and plans in order to be eligible for funding. All enquiries and plans are to be directed to Netball WA Venue Manager Matthew Hansen – - mobile number 0447 825 304
The Netball WA Community Facilities Fund Assessment Panel (FFAP) will review all applications and measure them against the assessment criteria. Applications will be ranked in order of importance by the FFAP and an amount of funding will be recommended for any successful application, within the scope of the Netball WA Community Facilities Fund budget.
All applications will then be submitted to the Netball WA CEO for review and approval.